10 Apr 2017

Q&A with a PT: Christina Davis

Personal training

Want to know what it's like to be a Personal Trainer?

We spoke with Goodlife Personal Trainer Christina Davis about her life as a PT and what she considers to be the most important elements in running a fitness business.

Why did you become a PT?

There is nothing else that brings me more joy than empowering people. We live in a world that screams at them from every angle that they are not pretty enough, strong enough, happy enough, skinny enough or wise enough. There just aren't enough people out there telling someone they are beautiful, capable, talented or strong enough to be all they desire to be. In my job, I don't just get to change body shapes and teach people about diet, but I get to empower people and show them how to embrace life to the fullest.

How long have you been a PT for?

Nine strong years. This business has been in many locations and countries, incorporating:

  • Personal training

  • Outdoor bootcamps

  • 6 month internships, helping Personal Trainers to start their business off strong

  • Online programs.

Woman relaxing after exercising

What’s your advice or tip for someone thinking of joining the industry?

The best advice I ever got was, “When starting a business, what separates the successful from the non-successful, is desperation!”. If you are really hungry for something, you won't let fatigue, failure, fear or opposition hold you back. You will find a way to overcome it to get your ‘goal’.

The other tip I would give is, GET A MENTOR. This way, you have accountability and guidance. This will also help you from not make all the common mistakes in the industry in your first year. Even if it costs a fee, what price will you put on your long term success?

How do you keep yourself motivated?

It's not what you do but why you do it.

It's one thing to train the body to look good, but what good is it if that person doesn't enjoy it? That's what gets me out of bed every day. Yes, I have the knowledge to get someone the perfect six pack body, to train athletes or help people on their weight loss journey, but my main passion is to help inspire people to love their body and life, regardless of what's happening around them.

How do you keep active?

I LOVE functional fitness. After being in the gym six days a week for nine years, it can become very boring. So when I'm not in the gym, I'm outdoors. I have also played Gridiron for Queensland, surfed professionally and played touch and squash.
Additionally, I have developed a very successful style of training that combines powerlifting, Crossfit style training and plyometrics.

How do you get your name out there to get clients?

When starting any business, a successful method is to start five at a low cost and then advance on the one or two that take off. At any one time, I'll have online promotions running, consistently uploading business or fitness stuff on social media,
texting old clientele, asking current clients for referrals and have in gym promotions. It costs no money and takes minimal effort, and the reward is great.

What’s your pre and post workout meal of choice?

Pre - speciality black coffee. Post - cottage cheese on rice cakes.

Using Fitness App - AIPT

How many times a week or month do you recommend regular clients see you?

A minimum of twice a week. I don't desire my clients to be with me long term (yes, I have some clients who have stayed with me for three to nine years because they love the push and my lifestyle motivation, but my heart is to teach). I want to teach my clients about their body type, about what training works best for their goals and time frames, what diet is beneficial to their lifestyle and wants correct bad posture and techniques and set them up for success for the rest of their life.

I personally believe if I can't equip my clients to be knowledgeable and be successful with their results, I'm not doing my job as a Personal Trainer.

What do you love about your career as a PT?

My prime time is the morning, in training clients and working productively, whereas other people work better at night. When you own your own business, you don't just have the ability to work whatever days you want, but you also have the
flexibility to work the hours you want. I love this because it means I work in the morning and surf during the day.

What is your biggest challenge as a PT?

Becoming comfortable. I want to reach the world. I desire to teach people about their bodies and their health and equip them to be everything they have been designed to be. Yet because my business offers me such a great lifestyle, sometimes I lose sight of the bigger
picture when focusing on the present.

Pursue your passion with Christina or another one of our industry-leading Mentors. Visit the link to find a Mentor near you.

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