14 Dec 2021

Joy Tabua Success Story

Student Success Story

Tell us a Bit About Yourself.

Hi, I am Joy, and I am a stay-at-home mother of two babies.

Joy Tabua Success Story

What Made you Decide to Pursue a Career in Fitness?

Growing up as a child, my dream job was always either a sports teacher or a Personal Trainer, with so many obstacles during my childhood that was never possible, as I never had the support behind me. I have always been passionate about sport, obtaining my black belt for two different Taekwondo clubs, competing in tournament fighting, and receiving my first gold medal representing Queensland at the age of nine. I played rugby league, touch football and TRL over the years before falling pregnant and stopped training and all sports altogether. With the spare time at home between bottle feeds and nappy changes, I decided to make the leap for myself and do what I've always wanted to do.

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What Course did you Study? Which Gym did you Have your Face-to-Face Practical Assessments?

I have studied Certificate IV in Fitness, and I completed my practical assessments at Lifestyle Health Clubs – Browns Plains.

Why did you Choose to Study with AIPT?

I read the reviews and was impressed with what I read about the institute, plus they were offering a convenient deal at the time.

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What are Your Plans for the Future?

I am currently employed by Goodlife Health Club – Browns Plains. I was offered a position at Lifestyle Health Club but decided to turn it down due to Goodlife's growth opportunities.

What Would you say to People who are Considering Taking the Leap Into a Career in Fitness?

If you want it bad enough, then DO IT! Don't let the thought of others hold you back from achieving and living your goals!

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Interested in becoming a Personal Trainer? Pursue your dream career with our Complete Personal Training Course. Enquire now, and one of our friendly Careers Advisors will be in contact with you soon!

Let’s Build Your Future in Fitness Together.

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