15 Aug 2019

How To Be a Better Personal Trainer

Career AdvicePersonal training

Okay, If you’re not yet a personal trainer, you’ll instantly be a better personal trainer by becoming one.

From there, the sky - and floor mat - is the limit depending on your capacity to deal with everyday people and make them a little less ‘everyday’; at least physically.

And actually no, that’s not true either. The best personal trainers don’t just sculpt physiques on a personal level. They also help shape your discipline and persistence. Let’s face it; most of the physical battle is mental. We choose to skip today’s early morning gym session because we were a bit late to bed last night, and we choose to fake illness to get out of touch rugby or social tennis. The desire to exercise begins in the brain and progresses from there to the beauty or brawn.

So how can you be a better Personal Trainer?

Be There Consistently

It seems simple enough, but being a consistent presence in your client’s life – whether once a week or five times a week – is the beginning of a lasting fitness relationship. Remember, they’re relying on you to turn up and help them maintain a fitness regime.

Don’t Aim Too High

To begin with, keep your feet on the ground and don’t expect to be training celebrities in your first week on the job. Chances are you won’t be anywhere near such training stardom in week 300. Does that matter? No, as a fitness professional with all the necessary education and certification, your skillset will offer all kinds of opportunities in the fitness industry.

Embrace the Retirement Market

Believe it or not, older people have fitness goals too. Like our bodies, age, strength and conditioning become even more critical. Most retirement villages know this. As a result, fitness classes – Pilates, yoga, aerobics – are an integral part of village calendars.

And who trains those people? Personal Trainers. Fitness sessions for retirees might not seem like the most convenient target demographic. However, it is equally as rewarding when compared to working with other clientele, both commercially and personally. This group is also growing year on year with Australia’s aging population.

Be an Ever-Growing Fund of Knowledge

The world of strength and conditioning is evolving at a spectacular rate. The Internet is teeming with fitness experts and influencers with their versions of the ‘best’ healthy lifestyle. To stay on top of your exercise programs and health and fitness generally, pay attention to all the online buzz and hype. Spend time analysing trends and innovations. Adapt and adopt to stay at the forefront for the long term.

Embrace Social Media

Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn (or a combination) your digital footprints need to be tramping purposefully through cyberspace. Social networks are the key to growing success through word of mouth and online reviews. Long term a healthy, lasting client base will largely depend on your ability to master your online opportunities.

Get Fully Qualified

First things first, if you’re not already a certified personal trainer, you can begin a nationally recognised fitness course right HERE.

Let’s Build Your Future in Fitness Together.

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