27 Aug 2023

Have you got What it Takes to Thrive in the Fitness Industry?

Career Advice

Whether you’d love to connect with people one-on-one or craft your own invigorating group classes, there’s a few essential personality traits you’ll need to really shine as a Personal Trainer or Group Exercise Leader. Have you got what it takes? 


A massive part of being a PT or Group Exercise Leader is helping people feel welcome and uplifted. So, if you can bring a positive and genuine energy to work, you’ll be able to create great relationships with your clients that last. 

Great Communicator  

Knowing how to achieve fitness goals is one thing, but communicating that information to a client is a whole different ball game. You’ll need to be able to explain things in a way that’s easy to understand so your clients get the most out of their sessions.

Personal trainer and client in gym

Super Connector 

You’ll love connecting with all kinds of people, which means learning about their experiences, personalities and really hearing their specific needs. You’ll genuinely care about developing trust and helping them make the change they want to see. 

Patient and Adaptable 

Lasting change doesn’t happen overnight, and chances are there’ll be some frustrations and setbacks along the way. In order to succeed in fitness, you’ll need to have empathy and flexibility for a wonderful variety of people.  


Passion is totally infectious! When you have a real love for fitness and its positive effects, you’ll start to see the amazing impact you can have in your clients’ lives. 


The best teachers lead by example. If you’re motivated and determined, you’ll not only bring a great work ethic to the gym, but you’ll also inspire your clients with your values.

personal trainer and client training at the gym

Still deciding? 

Passion, purpose and impact! 

If you prefer connecting with others over their goals one-on-one, Personal Training could be more up your alley. Keep reading to find out more! 

Inspire, energise and lead! 

If you love to captivate and energise a crowd with your natural charisma and stage presence, you probably have the makings of an outstanding Group Exercise Leader. 

If these traits resonate with you and you want to turn your passion into your career, contact us today at 1300 616 180 and speak with one of our friendly Careers Advisors about the next steps towards your rewarding career!

Let’s Build Your Future in Fitness Together.

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