23 Sep 2022

6 Tips On Earning More Money as a Personal Trainer

Want to earn a good salary as a personal trainer? Well, who would say no to that? 

Being a personal trainer can be a hugely rewarding career. Sometimes a good salary can be just as rewarding as making a huge contribution to people's wellbeing.

For many personal trainers, a great salary is just a dream. However, there are ways that you can boost your income as a personal trainer and get yourself into the upper echelons of income. We’ve put together a list of six steps that you can take to earn a good salary as a personal trainer.

Five personal trainers standing a line with their arms around each other

1. Build Relationships and Network

Most personal trainers already know the power of referrals. However, not many go to the effort of expanding their network to attract even more clients. If you want to fill up your hours, you absolutely must network. Get the word out there by attending events, talking to people, and making the effort to reach new markets.

An important aspect of networking is relationship-building. When you form close relationships with other businesses, you create a symbiotic relationship. When you send them customers, they’ll be more inclined to send you clients.

Build relationships with businesses in industries that are related to personal training. For example, physiotherapists, nutritionists, supplement stores, chiropractors, osteopaths, massage therapists and even other personal trainers. The more businesses you form relationships with, the more likely you are to begin to share clients.

Beyond businesses in a similar industry, you can try approaching other workplaces and offering personal training or group sessions. By networking widely, you might never have to cold-call! With an inside person in a business, you can get the right connections and easily gain permission to pitch to the company for a group program or solicit individual clients.

Group doing Yin Yoga​

2. Offer Group Fitness Classes

Group training can increase your income by double, triple or more without the equivalent level of time and effort from yourself. Many trainers consider offering group training, but few actually dive right into it. The more well-rounded you are as a fitness professional the bigger your client base will get, and your potential clients will grow too.

From running a simple exercise class to a full boot camp program, group training is an excellent way to quickly earn a good salary as a personal trainer. However, it can be more difficult than standard personal training.

It takes some effort to get started in group training. You need to find an appropriate location to host sessions. Whether this is a park, a sports field, or a gym, it’s important to make sure you have permission to use the area and adequate safety measurements in place.

You may need equipment in order to carry out the sessions, particularly if they’re outside and away from a gym. In addition, you’ll need to investigate branding, marketing and sales. However, once you get started and have a decent client number, the extra money can quickly add up. If you charge 10 clients $20 each for a 45-minute session, you can make $200 per hour (including the time spent setting up your equipment and preparing the session).

Once you’ve got the hang of group training sessions, you can run multi-session boot camps. Getting 10 people together for a three-month workout program once or twice a week can be a great way of securing ongoing income. Once you have a strong brand presence and marketing strategy in place, you can quickly earn thousands of dollars per week.

personal trainer using boxing equipment

3. Offer More and Upskill

This is the easiest way to reach a broader audience. If you want to ask for a higher price per session and service a wider variety of clients, greater qualifications are the way to go. You can get skills and qualifications in boxing, massage, sports and conditioning, nutrition, meal plans, suspension training and more.

Beyond that, upskilling keeps your head in the game. You can stay abreast of major industry changes, learn new ways to help your clients, and stay motivated about your chosen career. In order to get ahead and firmly establish yourself as a personal training force to be reckoned with, upskilling is absolutely critical.

High-Fiving Client - AIPT

4. Building Rapport With Clients

This may not be immediately obvious, but cultivating genuine loyalty in your clients can ensure a continued income stream, bigger uptake on services and a smoother-running operation. Loyal clients are usually excited about training. They turn up on time and they reliably book regular sessions. If they step away from training for some time, they’re likely to return to a personal trainer that they’re loyal to.

Remember their birthdays, congratulate them on their achievements and make an effort to genuinely connect with them on a personal level.

Personal trainers meeting

5. Develop a Range of Personal Training Services

Reach even the most selective clients with a much broader service range. Offering more is the key to earning a truly good salary as a personal trainer. Give different session lengths and cost options. Offer classes, outdoor sessions and a choice of activities.

You can offer a huge range of additional service options, pricing ranges and packages to entice clients.

6. Sell Yourself!

Sales is a huge part of earning a good salary as a personal trainer. Thanks to your training, you already know the awesome benefits of a healthy lifestyle. You know the importance of regular exercise and the way you feel when you start achieving your goals. You must reinforce these feelings in your clients. When clients believe that their personal trainer can truly help them achieve results, they’re far more likely to continue training and even commit to more sessions.

Make sure that you track your clients’ goals and their progress. Help them to understand how much faster and easier it is to get where you want to be with the advice and guidance of a professional. When you notice improvements, tell them! Happy clients are returning clients.

It’s your business. It’s up to you to grow it. If you want to earn a good salary as a personal trainer, you need to do things better than other personal trainers. Get qualified and focus on growing and developing your business. It can be hard work, but the results are very satisfying.

Social media is key, consider posting small workout plans, build your product or service, show people that what you have to offer can help them achieve their fitness goals.

If you’re motivated to make your career in fitness a success, get a head start with a formal qualification. Our Careers Advisors are only a call away and happy to talk through your goals and requirements. To get started, contact us on 1300 616 180 today.

Let’s Build Your Future in Fitness Together.

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