28 Apr 2020

Lorenzo Lucarelli Success Story

Student Success Story

Tell us a Bit About Yourself.

My name is Lorenzo Lucarelli, I'm 28 years of age, and I'm Italian! Can you tell from my name? Haha :)

I moved from Rome four years ago and unfortunately for my family and friend I'm not going to move back. I can definitely say that this is my country now. I'm such a fun and crazy character, that loves always be on top of everything and loves challenges, is super active, always smiling and never want to stop learning!

Until last year I was a Visual Merchandiser for Industrie Clothing in Victoria, but now, after graduating, I'm excited to say that I'm a full-time PT and I want to do this for the rest of my life.

Training hard and consistently has given me the confidence to start doing modelling jobs here and there. I love spending my days off with my friends and family, I am all about the beach, sun and smile, exploring Italian restaurants around Melbourne and also hanging out with my little nephew.

Lorenzo Lucarelli Success Story

What Made you Decide to Pursue a Career in Fitness?

Big question this one! And I'm getting quite emotional answering. Where should I start??

It was back when I was in secondary school and then in the first 3 years of high school where I was getting bullied. This put me down a lot, I wasn't strong enough and in my small hometown, back in 2002, people are still way behind, and they talk a lot. I've always been thinking "don't worry Lorenzo, you'll be fine, just be yourself ", and that's what I did.

Moving to Rome city was a big step where I could be more comfortable and not judged as it's such a big city. I've always loved fitness but never got into it as much. I had a year membership, but I was going not even once a week! I was very skinny and thin and didn't have the idea that I could have changed.  Long short story, after I broke up with my ex-partner, 3 years ago, I started thinking more in a selfish way. I was feeling something inside of me that was saying to look after myself first no matter what. So back in August 2018, I had a consultation with Ty Phillips, still my mentor nowadays, and since then, my passion for fitness and nutrition was growing stronger. After completing a 12 weeks-challenge, I was feeling so confident and proud of who I was. Happy to take my shirt off and look myself in the mirror and not ashamed to take a selfie and post it on social. Today all I can say is thank you to those who bullied me because they made me stronger than I thought I could be.

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Why did you Choose to Study with AIPT?

After checking a few websites, speaking with different institutes and asking around. My gut said that you guys were the one. Your excellent customer service and the opportunity to have a very competitive price for an online course where I could have studied during the weekend while working a full-time job was taking most of my time during the week. And also with the bonus of the Introduction to Nutrition course and the Anatomy of Strength Training course, I couldn't have been happier to join the AIPT family!

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What are Your Plans for the Future?

Haha, good question!! To be honest, at the moment I'm thinking about the present cause you know, who knows what the future can be?! I will be focusing on building my own business; I'm beyond excited to be part of one of the best Goodlife Health Clubs teams here in Victoria. Not only a one-on-one coaching business but also online training which will allow me to have more "me time" and also train more for myself. Definitely, something that is coming soon in the future and I'm very thrilled about is competing for this coming September, ICN as men's physique.

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What Would you say to People who are Considering Taking the Leap Into a Career in Fitness?

If you are a very positive, hardworking person and you have a passion for fitness then 100% this is your world. But, and this is my honest opinion, remember that you need to inspire clients, you need to motivate them to be a better version of themselves. Make them happy and proud of who they are, only in this way you can be a successful PT. I think, with my story, being bullied and coming out of that dark zone made it easier in terms of inspiring others. But again, if you work hard and put a lot of sacrifices, you'll get there! Nothing it's easy to remember, and being a PT is not a joke (like most people think).

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