20 May 2019

Let’s Meet Jaimye Waters

Student Success Story

Hello my babes,

I want to bring you this goodness on all levels, so you'll be seeing my journey on here, on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook AND my iTunes & Spotify podcasts. 

So Exciting. 

As you would be well aware, I've been studying and working to become a qualified personal trainer and have been lucky enough to score an ambassador position with The Australian Institute of Personal Training (AIPT).

As a part of this, I've been given the opportunity to provide an in-depth blog so that I can provide you aspiring fitness instructors and PT's a behind the scenes look into the world of AIPT and why I am loving it so much.

For me, being a personal trainer has always been on my list of things to add to my fortè, the idea of being qualified to help people with their physical appearance and mindset around exercise fits hand in hand with being a health coach, essential oils educator and holistic health advocate. 
Throughout my youth (I'm still in the midst) I've been extremely invested in my health, I grew up experimenting with ways to eat to nourish my body and also ways to exercise that helped my body thrive, so it really only makes sense to be able to help others to reach that same level? Doesn't it?

I was "um' ing" and "ah'ing" about who to do my course through for a while as there are just so many options. AIPT, however, stood out to me because of their investment in the student and their flexible study plan. 
After going back and forth discussing the syllabus and requirements, I was fortunate enough to be offered an ambassador position as I am very involved in sharing the goodness of the course with my following. 

Due to the fact that I run my own business, my ability to make time to study is unpredictable as I can imagine a lot of people my age would experience a similar thing. The fact that I'm able to study online, at any time, in any place, gives me the freedom I need to complete this course at my own pace and to my highest ability. 

From my work with AIPT, I'm super excited to be able to use my new certificate to help you guys become the best (and fittest) versions of yourself, and I will 100% be intertwining my knowledge in nutrition and essential oils into my coaching. 

For me, fitness is just one aspect of wellbeing, and you won't feel whole until your mind, body, soul, and gut are completely happy and healthy, so you heard it here first folks, I'll have you covered in all aspects. 

Health and wellness are on everyone's minds at the moment, and it is a very fair assumption that people can become confused with the mountains of information out there, trying to tell us which 'diet' or 'workout' plan will help us the most. 

Me? I believe everyone is different; what works incredibly for me, may not for you. But with my depth of knowledge, I'm looking forward to being that one-stop shop, where I've got the brains and empowerment strategies for everyone. I've been openly sharing my workout regime and success with you babes for years now, so it is VERY exciting to know that in very little time, I'll be running you through the BEST sweat sessions of your life. 

Now, if any of my readers are looking into becoming a personal trainer, shoot me a message; I would love to answer any questions you may have. I honestly can't recommend AIPT enough when it comes to their level of support, structure, flexibility and ease.

I'm all for the other boss babes out there, hey our lives can be hectic, but they don't have to feel hectic when we are able to make our mark and get qualified done with ease. 

Let’s Build Your Future in Fitness Together.

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