13 Feb 2016
Hi, my name is Cherina and I am based in Narrabri.
I began my fitness journey after quitting a 20-year smoking habit, limiting me to not even being able to run 100 metres. At the age of 46, I began short walks and exercising before joining a gym. My personal outlook on health changed, so too did my passion for learning more about fitness.
During one of my workout sessions, I noticed a sign promoting the Australian Institute of Personal Trainers; however, I believed I was too old to start a new career in fitness. My newfound passion for fitness was noticed by Anytime Fitness trainer Vesna Sloman, who encouraged me to undertake the Complete Personal Trainer^ and later became my Mentor during practical course elements. Initially apprehensive about studying and the challenge ahead, I credit the Australian Institute of Personal Trainers’ Support Team for making it through. I am sure I would not have graduated without their help.
Currently working at Anytime Fitness Narrabri, I am thrilled to be a part of a team that shares skills and knowledge to improve my abilities as a Personal Trainer. I am excited about my future in an ever-expanding industry dedicated to helping people on a personal level.
With a goal to help women evolve through their mid-life window and want more from life, I have a wealth of advice for future AIPT students: don’t procrastinate with your study. Pace yourself with a well-planned schedule. Do the research as the need arises. Don’t be lazy. You will need it all. I would never have imagined having this qualification at this stage in my life.
I have no hesitation recommending the Australian Institute of Personal Trainers as a quality fitness education provider. They have a very comprehensive course, covering a wide number of topics very relevant to being properly equipped for the fitness industry.
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